Vin DiCarlo: Nuclear PUA

Vin DiCarlo is an alleged nuclear physicist who was until now best known for hijacking the Swingcat Video. Now it’s his turn to shine:

Vin di Carlo was part of The Attraction, one of the early PUA groups. His mentor was Sebastian Drake, whoever that is…and yeah I’ll do a video on him eventually.

Once again I see that Vin DiCarlo allegedly has a PHD in nuclear physics…I looked up his thesis and I couldn’t find it. If somebody can find any proof of this…please show me it.

He’s one of the few old school PUAs who still seems to be working. Albeit his website articles only get 5000 or so hits in total. C’mon man, that’s barely more than I get!

Vin is one of the few guys who dabbles in the DARK ARTS of seduction. Yeah, except for David Riker, Swingcat, Tranceboy, Derek Rake, and everyone else. He also invented PANDORA’S BOX, which is described as a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE book of dating. “Just pick the response for the girl in question and follow that lead”.

This is literally BEEP BOOP PUT IN WO-MAN INPUT. Unless the girl you’re trying to shacl up with it, in fact, a goddamn toaster, you should never approach dating with a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE mindset. That illustrates exactly the sort of person who gets suckered by this, and the sort of person who’s on a one way trip to incelville.

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