Introducing Failsons

This video (and corresponding blog post) are introducing my new show: Failsons! In which we will discuss men who have utterly failed in being masculine in their lives, and how they might be able to fix their problem.

From The New Yorker:

….[failsons is] defined as the guy that “goes downstairs at Thanksgiving, briefly mumbles, ‘Hi,’ everyone asks him how community college is going, he mumbles something about a 2.0 average, goes back upstairs with a loaf of bread and some peanut butter, and gets back to gaming and masturbating.

There’s certainly a lot of those people in modern America today: you all know about it, and we’re going to go through lots of them, both individuals and groups of them.

I also discuss thumos (as an example of that “X factor” that the failson does not have, and because I like to think of myself as being a kind and merciful internet superhero, I will be giving advice on how these failsons might be able to overcome their failsonnery.

If the reader of this article has any suggestions as to which failsons (both as individuals or groups) I should profile, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

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