A Response to Revengestar/Persephone
Hey, remember Persephone of the /r/hapas losers, and how we buried the hatchet and then I never mentioned her again? Well, she made a video praising me as an alpha […]
Hey, remember Persephone of the /r/hapas losers, and how we buried the hatchet and then I never mentioned her again? Well, she made a video praising me as an alpha […]
A lot of new travelers into the masculine corners of the internet struggle with the whole “alpha male, beta male, etc.” concept and all those other Greek letters people throw […]
So recently, I read the book Bullshit Jobs. A book that’s main premise is that a substantial amount of jobs in the USA today, at least 30% and quite probably more, […]
All the way from the exotic Orient…the melodic major scale! Often associated with the music of India! The melodic major scale, also known as the Aeolian Dominant Scale, is Ionian […]
Remember my Woke Sci-Fi Article? It’s back in video form! Indeed, Conan is even capable of seeing a non-human as, if you’ll pardon the expression, a man worthy of respect: […]
So, I think everybody is in agreement that masculinity is in a state of crisis nowadays. And while the people who run society will tell us that the problem is […]
In the past week or so, you’ve probably noticed a lot of fuss over the phrase “learn to code” . Numerous media outlets have had mass layoffs in the couple […]
Welcome back to Manthropology—in this week’s episode, we discuss Richard Wrangham’s new book “The Goodness Paradox”, and whether or not his theories of the “taming” of humanity are true. And […]
Time for another music lesson children: The Double Harmonic Major Scale! The double harmonic major scale is characterized by taking an Ionian scale, and playing a minor 2nd and a […]
Some have questioned why I vehemently refuse to refer to myself as being “with” any real movement or subculture. There are actually quite a few reasons I don’t consider myself […]