Failsons #1: Asian Sex Crap

Welcome one and all to the first episode of Failsons. The first issue is one that is very close to my heart…the various forms of Asian Sex Whining bullshit that propagate on the internet.

Just to clear the air, this will NOT be self-pitying faggotry. There will be no “Hyuck Hyuck Elliot Rodger”, so you can fuck right off if that’s what you want me to say.

Those of you who are familiar with this issue but are new to me, allow me to introduce myself. I’m a Eurasian male who is fit, sexually victorious, has never been in psychiatric care or taken any psych medication, and is overall well to do and content. So, let’s review:

Last I checked these people had two main intellectual currents. One is that their numbers are vastly, VASTLY inflated due to walking stereotype (and ostrich impersonator) Tendy Spencer having about 5000 alt accounts he uses to talk to himself on just as many reddit boards…ahem, when he’s not impersonating ME.

The second is that their complaints all, without exception, basically boil down to “reeeee nobody wants to fuck us!” but more…Oedipal.

This is basically identical to the complaints that Asian men have in general, but, uh, more on that. Has this changed since I last looked? …No!

I defy you to name a single thing these people bitch about other than REEEE SEX.

Not to be outdone by half Asians, full Asians are single mindedly fixated on sex too!

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