Three Basic Takedowns

This martial arts tutorial is a bit more special than most, because it is the first I’ve done (the first video I’ve done, really), with the knowing participation of a partner. In this case, my lovely girlfriend Vita. And now allow the two of us to teach you takedowns.

Double Leg TD: Wrap both arms around their legs, hips, or waist. Pull your arms (and thus their lowers) towards your chest. Keep your posture, and put your head and shoulders into them to bring them down.

Single leg takedown: Grab the left and tuck the crook of the knee into the crook of the opposite elbow (ie: the right arm grabs the left leg). Squeeze the tibia between your thighs (the further the better). Interconnect your arms. Push your head against them, the top oo the head goes into the body and the neck is tight and straight. Then squat and spin towards the other hand, and complete the takedown.

The Hip Throw: Start by facing your opponent in a clinch, grab the wrist with your opposite hand (ie: your left grabs his right wrist), put your other arm under and through the armpit of HIS other arm (ie:  right arm under the armpit of the left arm( and around the back, as far as you can go. Hold tight, step across the body with the right foot and turn the body hard so your right side and hip go into him, pivot on the left foot, pull him down with the hooked arms, and he goes over. This can also be done with the armpit arm being wrapped around the back of the neck instead.

Done properly, this throw will end with you on top of your opponent in the “mount” position. From here you can put him into a submission hold, or just pound the guy’s face in.

Underhooks and Sprawl: A takedown defense, loop your arms through your armpits and meet on their chest. To sprawl, squat and put your legs out and behind you. Then put all your weight on them. From here you can transition to their back, or perhaps knee them in the head.

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