Categories and Stupid Manosphere Jargon

Some have questioned why I vehemently refuse to refer to myself as being “with” any real movement or subculture. There are actually quite a few reasons I don’t consider myself to be “red pill” or “MGTOW” or whatever, but today we’re discussing one in particular, and it’s one I’ve always had but never discussed until now.

It’s what the title says, all the categories and stupid jargon. PLEASE, stop overcategorizing everything. You may not know what I’m talking about when I describe but once you recognize it, you’ll constantly notice examples.

Want an example? Right here!

CHAD TAD LAD BRAD DAD THAD, are you people listening to yourselves? Do you realize how idiotic this all sounds?

Why must you over complicate this? This very simple meme comparing a weak man to a strong man, a good thing to a bad thing, with all this nonsense?

I mention this is an old gripe because, yeah, it has happened before with the manosphere. First it was with the categorization of different “types of men” with Greek letters. Matt Forney mentioned this previously on his site, but it bears repeating: There was once a very simple dichotomy (er, trichotomy) of alpha, beta, and omega. The man who rules the roost, the boring and average guy in the middle, and the complete loser.

But no, then you people came in with your gammos and epsilons and chis and zetas…once again, please stop.

The same thing happened with the pills. At first you had a very simple dichotomy of the red pill and the blue pill: one is the ugly truth, and the other is sweet little lies—and yes, ignore what a circle jerk (literally with regards to Chad) the whole red pill subculture has become, which is the biggest reason why I’ve never considered myself to be a part of it. But naturally, the nerds had to over complicate it with green and black and white and yellow, all the colors of the rainbow!

So why is this the case? Why does every type of categorization scheme become wildly overcomplicated when the nerds glom onto it? I have a theory, and I’m going to assume it’s completely accurate unless somebody comes up with a better one.

  1. Whenever you have a relatively new subculture (which this is), subconsciously people automatically start doing intensive ingrouping/outgrouping to differentiate between the cool kids and the uncool kids by coming up with a labyrinthine mass of code words and jargon that the uninitiated don’t know.
  2. The other reason I think you people do this so often is because…well, whenever a bunch of people make up a new subculture or idea that categorizes people, all of the dorks come running in, and inevitably they all try to claim that they are in the “best category”. Obviously, nobody would want to be in the “lesser” categories, so you have a bunch of dweebs who refuse to accept that they are, in fact, a beta or omega male and thus they have to make up new categories for themselves to avoid being put into that dreaded “loser” category—“Uh, I’m not a beta I’m a, er, sigma! Yeah!” or “I’m not a Chad but I am a LAD” rather than just admitting that you are, in fact, the archetypical Virgin.

Categorization doesn’t need to be any more complicated than it is, and it works pretty good now. And considering that more people are in fact, willing to consider themselves in the loser categories (if the increasing number of people building their identities around being an incel is any indication), it seems that at the very least, some people are getting over this. But those busybodies who demand infinite categorization just moved onto the concepts of Virgin and Chad, I suppose.

And to those people I say for a third time: please stop, because you sound like a moron.