Asian Sex Bullshit: Female Edition
So the New York Times published this article full of AsAm bullshit the other day! In this article, an Asian woman (Korean, as most Asian SJWs seem to be) complains […]
So the New York Times published this article full of AsAm bullshit the other day! In this article, an Asian woman (Korean, as most Asian SJWs seem to be) complains […]
Being the most traditional form of failson I’ve profiled seems to be an implicit last stand of white identity, eh, Spencer? But in all seriousness… Now, I want to make […]
Guess who’s brought forth a new fruit of intellectual labor? Even as my day job busies me (ruining my plans to do 4 updates a week for the time being), […]
Because it had to be put on video…the schoolmarm problem! derp On occasion, I feel the need to defend American history and culture from the constant, constant criticisms and mockeries and deconstructions […]
So if you’ll recall, last week I discussed ”mad man charisma” and crank magnetism, and how that often leads people to join cults. Being that I find this topic fascinating […]
An interesting thing happened to me on the NYC subway last week. It was the 6 train to be specific. Me and the lovely Vita were going home from one […]
*SJW reeeing in the distance* You’ve all heard this one, but have you ever considered where it came from? (Besides “Asia”, moron) Well, now you know! The Oriental Riff is, […]
So the other day I was browsing Rational Wiki—yes, I know they are dyed in the wool leftists, but unlike most of their political brethren they’re fairly sensible and some […]
Is music objectively getting worse? Science says…yeah, kind of! Okay, hear me out: I’m not going to tell you that there was ever some idealized time in the hoary past […]
So nice it had to be said twice: Stop with the stupid categorizations: Some have questioned why I vehemently refuse to refer to myself as being “with” any real movement […]