Asian Sex Bullshit: Female Edition

So the New York Times published this article full of AsAm bullshit the other day!

In this article, an Asian woman (Korean, as most Asian SJWs seem to be) complains about how she’s constantly referred to as being “adorable”.

(Much like Steve Sailer, I too found this a bit of a “humble brag”)

Anyway, after that, it goes on with a bunch of flimsy bullshit about how she wants to be respected as a STRONK WU-MAN, and how she’ll metaphorically (or literally) kick your ass if you don’t. It’s the typical thing that Asian women write about, as you’ll see below.

This is of course only slightly different from the typical bullshit Asian men write about: instead of complaining about “muh desexualization” and Hollywood stereotyping (which is really just a roundabout way of saying “desexualization”), this complaint is about being sexualized the wrong way.

Why is it so weird, you might be wondering. Aside from the colorist comments about my skin, some of these words — adorable, cute, silky, shiny — could be taken, incorrectly, as compliments. I acknowledge that there’s luck, and privilege, in inhabiting a body that others might find appealing. But when I’m at these events, I am at work. I am talking about my profession, not about my hair or skin or any perceived cuteness.

I found this all to be pretty inane, and not just because I’ve seen this exact thing written about umpteen times before. Namely, the fact that *this* little nothingburger of an issue represents Asian-American issues in the New York Times, as opposed to actual hate crimes or prejudice they face (at least Jussie Smollet made up a story about suffering through an actual felony), tells me that, once again, Asian Americans face absolutely no discrimination that doesn’t revolve around their sexual frustrations in some fashion.

If you can’t even make up a fake hate crime that seems plausible, if people calling you cute is all you have to complain about, then I think we can agree you have it pretty good.

A lot of people don’t believe me when I tell them that this is literally all Asian-Americans ever complain about, even when I mention that a major epiphany in my own life was realizing that all of my personal racial resentments ultimately revolved around not getting my dick wet.

So, to settle this once and for all, I’m going to show you the results of what I found with 5 minutes of randomly searching for the word “Sex” on various Asian diaspora websites.

And to reiterate *again*, I know this is a legitimate problem. I am not attempting to say “you have no problems”. You have ONE problem, and it’s a very big problem—sex is important! But you have to realize that this is your only problem, and stop trying to make up stupid bullshit to be part of the cool oppressed minorities club.

And, YET AGAIN, this problem could go away instantly if everybody just bought my damn book.