Choson Ninja (Kung Fail)

An oldy but a goodie, and an example of how all these clods intersect with each other at some point or another: Greg Park, aka Choson Ninja, is a heretical Christian/martial arts fraud/probable sex fiend who has been radio silent for the better part of a decade, but still has lots of material out there..,all of which involves his ludicrous claims that ninjutsu originates in Korea. Anthony Cummins was involved in his sordid saga at some point, and that brings them all to me.

Who is this man?? According to him he is a 140 pound *KUMITE CHAMPION*, and he cites Bloodsport as a realistic depiction of what the kumite is like—he’s not claiming he is Frank Dux, though, that would be absurd!

He’s quite the rough customer, just listen to this (not directed at me, another person on Bullshido):

 guess I have to challenge you to a fucking Martial Arts weapons fight. I know I will willl KILL you where your arrogant ass stand! Do you want to talk or are you willing to die>Hey Bitch answer me! I’l fight you on those term! It wil be at least Honorable and fair! **** the weight and come talk your **** bitch! Do this in my fucking face! You wil surely be humbled! You think Ninjas are dumbasses huh?

Because of the culture difference and a Ninja not being stupid as YOU is, I suggest you fight me in fair terms! Pick any fucking weapon you want that is traditional Martial Arts. No guns because that would be to easy for me! I WILL KIL YOU WITH YOUR OWN WEAPON AND STICK IT UP YOUR ASS! 


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