“Derp, women don’t enjoy sex!”

No, I don’t actually believe women don’t enjoy sex. The title is sarcastic, to denote one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a while.

I don’t know exactly how widespread this is, but apparently there’s a germ of thought in some of the more frustrated and presumably high cholesterol parts of the manosphere that…well, “women don’t enjoy sex”.

The idea is that women get off merely on the power, adoration, and attention, and not the physical stuff. Some of these dorks will even claim that the female orgasm is a myth (or rather there’s no point in trying that if you’re sufficiently “alpha” she’ll presumably start geysering out of the vagina whereas beta males have to futz around.) You think I’m joking about this, but I’m really not. Take a gander at this.

My god, I don’t know how it’s possible, but somehow these morons have regressed to a Victorian era understanding of women’s sexualities…except I’ll take that back, because the actual Victorians weren’t that stupid!

Fun fact: the whole “lie back and think of England” thing is actually a joke from the early 20th century that mocked the Victorian era, not anything from the era. Certainly not Queen Victoria herself, as she and Bertie had quite the active sex life.

But digressions aside, this whole idea is retarded, and I can’t believe I have to give you people an 8th grade sex ed lecture. But here we go:

Women enjoy sex just as much as men. Believe it or not, women are capable of thinking with their cunts just as much as men can think with their cocks. And they do. When you idiots complain about how women go for THE BAD BOYS…I hate to break it to you, but the bad boys give them the giney tingles. And from your complaints, I’m guessing you don’t.

Furthermore, obviously women enjoy sex and get pleasure from it, and it can be proven biologically. How you ask? How about the fact that women have an organ that serves no other purpose beyond sexual pleasure? What do you idiots think the clitoris is for?

I shouldn’t have to tell you this—sex feels good, for everybody. It literally evolved to feel good to make sure that we did it! Nobody is going to have sex just because they have a duty to slam their gametes together—they enjoy it for its own sake!

Yes, nerds, it is indeed all hormonal and primitive and the traits that give women the tingles give them good sex and signify evolutionary fitness (big penis, big muscles, and so forth)

In fact, I will concede a point made above—I would say that at least 25% of making a woman orgasm is mental; putting her in the mindset to enjoy sex, if that makes sense

What I mean by that is, if you are that sweaty, swaggering brute, she’s already halfway to orgasm already, and thus you won’t need to futz with the g spot or clit or do the “dog eating a cupcake maneuver” to make her orgasm.

Whereas if you are a dork you’ll likely have to do the “two finger fillet” for an ample amount of time, and she may not even orgasm from that. While there is evidence to show that women who use sex toys frequently have a harder time orgasming, that’s only 50% of the problem. The rest is on you being a crappy partner.

In the case of the guys in the tweets shown in this article…when you say every woman you’ve met isn’t into it—no, she’s very into it, just not sex with *you*. You say women only tolerate sex? No she only tolerates sex with YOU.

I guarantee you nobody who has sex often and well will say anything this stupid.

So if you genuinely believe women don’t like sex or orgasm, I’ll make a wager. Firstly, admit that you don’t have sex very often. Then, spend the next year being the best man you can be—get in shape, dress well, learn how to bang properly, “spin plates”, and come back and talk to me.

If they’re still not enjoying sex with you, I’ll take back all I said. But I highly doubt that’ll happen.