Explaining “The Virgin Chinee”.

So it appears some of you people didn’t get what I was saying in ‘The Virgin Chinee’, so I am being nice and explaining things.

So let’s look at my poem, and do bear in mind that there’s a very, very good reason why the image in that video was a screenshot from the Daily Stormer excoriating white women.

The poem is written from the standpoint of “James the Aryan Paragon”, a “red pill wignat” who is “racially awake” in that he is a white supremacist, but he just can’t get over his hatred of white women due to years of rejection—so he claims that they are “hypergamous sluts” who fuck Chad all the time and also they fuck dogs because…I don’t even know where this idiotic meme started. Also note that he refers to himself as an “ubermensch” and an Aryan Paragon despite the fact that the poem repeatedly refers to him as being physically weak, fat, and unattractive. Also note that he makes up metrics *find if possible* to “prove” that Asian men are inferior to him, and that they don’t deserve their women, whom James idealizes, seeing them as pure and submissive lotus blossoms who, mostly importantly, AREN’T THOSE GODDAMN DOGFUCKING WESTERN WHORES.

Being always rejected by white women, it is implied that James dates exclusively mediocre looking Asian women, who adore him by mere virtue of being a white man. Now, James can feel like the white god he has always seen himself as being!

…of course, “the virgin Chinee” himself makes an appearance, whining about Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Sixteen Candles for the 10 millionth time, and blaming evil white men for why he can’t get laid. James and his friend see how much the Chinee hates his women, and makes fun of him for it…despite the fact that James himself hates the women of his own race, as illustrated by his invective against them.

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