More Incels Fapfiction (Failsons)

Excuse the few days that my website was down—technical difficulties.

Anyway, since we had so much fun the last time…more incel depravity. Featuring government mandated girlfriends, Old Testament punishment, and more!

Ah, finally! GOVERNMENT MANDATED GIRLFRIENDS, now we’re getting somewhere! Now we’re implementing real change and real solutions. He says he has aspergers which makes him disabled—it is legally a disability, but it’s not such an overwhelming one that you’re completely ineffectual. Like, dude, it’s a moderate form of autism—it makes life more difficult sure, but it’s not like you’re an extreme form of ‘tism where you’re walking around in circles punching yourself in the face all day. There are therapists, you can work through this.

“The only way to solve it is by having being a wife or girlfriend as a government job”. Apparently Aspergers makes you not know how to use conjunctions. IT’S THE ONLY WAY I WON’T DIE ALONE.

THE INCEL REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE STOPPED: Serious question, have the incels ever formed an actual political organization, or done lectures, or handed out pamphlets? Because it seems to me this “revolution” consists entirely of whining on message boards, punctuated by an occasional violent sperg-out ala Marc Lepine.

I like how incels refer to each other as “brother”, when you and I know damn well these incels would be trampling each other so fast if a decent looking girl were to give them the time of the day. And all this talk about personality…do any of these guys have anything remotely resembling a pleasant personality?

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