“Derp, statues were painted!” (Manthropology)

So you’ve probably read a couple of articles like this, clucking about the revelation that statues were painted which…disproves white supremacy or something.

Some odd news this past couple of weeks in the field of manthropology. Cultural anthropology to be specific, which is, as we’ve discussed, where most of the goofy shit in this field *cough* and modern society on the whole, comes from. And as usual cultural anthro can bleed into biological anthro.

What is it? It’s this article which states the devastating, groundbreaking revelation that…*gasp* the gleaming white marble statues we associate with classical antiquity were, in fact, painted different colors back when they were first made!

Wow! This is brand new and exciting…in the 1920s, when they first discovered this. Yeah, people, this isn’t news. While the neo-classical artistic movement misinterpreted the statues as being stoic and austere and without coloration, they were in fact painted, quite garishly in fact, if recreations give any indication. One can certainly debate the artistic merits of the sheet white statues versus the colored ones, but what is absolutely not in dispute is the idea that they were painted when they were first made.

So, this seems like a pretty cut and dry thing, yes? Well, it isn’t, because of course it has to become politicized—anthropology being the discipline that gave the world the brainfart of “EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL”.

So what is the “woke” take on this? Just take a goddamn guess: the chattering people say that because the statues were once painted in dazzling crimsons and golds and greens and blues this…disproves white supremacy.

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