Nathan Larson: Pedo For Congress!

It’s time once again for a riveting edition of Failsons. And we’re looking at Nathan Larson, from the evidently insane burb of Charlottesville, Virginia. And you did read that title right. For Mr. Larson wants to campaign on nothing more than the right to have sex with prepubescent girls. He is in fact the first politician to promise the beta uprising should he be victorious.

Now, now, Mr. Larson isn’t a failson because he has his…divisive beliefs. Well, I mean he is a moral failure, but he’s also a failson in a traditional sense:  because he’s a 37 year old barely employed dweeb who lives with his presumably extremely disappointed parents.

So here’s Nate and, oh boy, look at that combover. A man with all the soft, wimpy charm of Jared Kushner, but with big heaping dollops of psychopathy and male pattern baldness…I can tell we’re in for a treat.

Anyway, let’s look at the man’s political beliefs first, before we get into his personal life. But first, a biography…

He obtained a degree in accounting from George Mason University and has intermittently gotten honest employment doing that. He then became a member of the Libertarian Party of the USA which should tell you all you need to do about those guys, although to their credit they kicked him out in 2017.

He owns quite a lot of websites, like Incelocalypse, which is an even more idiotic way to say “beta uprising”—as a former beta male myself, I’m going to say this outright: there’s never going to be any goddamn beta uprising. A bunch of dudes who can’t look a cashier in the eye when they speak to them are not going to be leading any armed rebellions, okay? And as you can see from their forums, there’s constant, CONSTANT infighting between these people. The only thing these people will EVER amount to is the occasional violent sperg out and mass murder. Also, why do collections of sexless dweebs love the term “apocalypse”?

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