Peter Wheat: Ass Kicker

Longtime readers of this website are probably well aware of the fact that despite being an egregiously masculine man who has succeeded at most of the things men dream of…I’m […]

Nathan Larson: Pedo For Congress!

It’s time once again for a riveting edition of Failsons. And we’re looking at Nathan Larson, from the evidently insane burb of Charlottesville, Virginia. And you did read that title […]

Mazdak and Degeneracy

This might seem like a random history-based article,  but considering what’s going on these days, I think it’s more than a little relevant to what goes on. How familiar are […]

More Thoughts on Modern Music

In my new video, I discuss some more thoughts on the modern music industry: my reactions to the Seabrook book, tepidly defending The Archies, and most importantly…an original song by […]

Go For Broke!

American culture is certainly denigrated by all corners, isn’t it? From the left wing, to the EVROPA morons, even West Point, the United States Military Academy, constantly shits upon and […]