Way Of The Shadow Wolves: Chapter 2

Way Of The Shadow Wolves Chapter 2: In which Steven Seagal is back and still writing absolute shite.

And so without further ado…more of Way Of The Shadow Wolves

The Deep State within the mainstream media kept the eyes of the country on the flood of illegals that were coming across the border. They painted them as simple people in need of a better life. It was a cunning distraction to take the eyes off the drugs that billionaire drug lords were pumping into the US.

What troubled John even more was that the country was asleep when it came to the “OTMs” or “Other Than Mexicans” coming across a virtually open southern border into the country and possibly assembling for what America had never known before—a jihadi caliphate. His fear was that they were already spread throughout the country without anyone understanding how big a threat it was.

He remembered being told that he had the spirit of the snake in his bloodline and that “gave him power over some people and many snakes.” It wasn’t until he became a full-grown man that he totally understood what that meant. But what he had going on in that place, at that time, was unsettling at best.

“Damned if I know. But whatever it is, he told me they do them a lot. He said that they were some heavy-duty hombres.” “Mexicans. No Americans? Just Mexicans?” John pushed him, trying to get a fix on whether or not they might be Deep State operatives. “No, they weren’t American. But he said that there were these heavy-breathing Arab guys coming out with them.” “Heavy-breathing. What was making them breathe heavy?” “No, it doesn’t have nothin’ to do with breathing. It’s like, the way they talk, man. He said they sound like they’re gargling when they speak. They got some bad accents.” Tooth tried to explain it as best he could.

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