Way Of the Shadow Wolves Chapter 3

The ride never ends! Way of the Shadow Wolves, Part 3. It hasn’t gotten any better.

Standing in the middle of the room was a heavyset, intense-looking man with a black bandana tied around his head. His huge mustache moved when he yelled, “Payaso . . . I’m gonna kill this bitch if you don’t—”

It was all he was able to get out as Bellamy put a hole through his forehead. The middle-aged woman was frantic and collapsed on the floor screaming, “My husband, my husband, they took him in there.” She pointed toward a side bedroom. “Come out, assholes. You don’t have a chance. Don’t make us have to kill you,” John shouted as he and Bellamy prepared for whatever was coming next. There was mumbling near the door. “Okay, okay, we’re done . . . we’re coming out . . . don’t shoot.”

“Get on the ground,” Bellamy ordered as Murphy and Deanne came through the door and patted the three down after cuffing them. John found the husband unconscious on the bedroom floor, but he was still breathing. It looked like he had been hit with a pistol butt, from the gash on the side of his head. “Get the EMTs in here quick,” John shouted as the police moved in and started searching the rest of the house for accomplices.  The place looked like a war scene, with gun smoke and bodies lying on the floor. The woman was still crying and embracing her injured husband as the task force members nodded at one another, the anxiety-driven adrenaline subsiding in each one of them. They had functioned like a well-oiled machine that had just saved two innocent lives. All lives matter. Do they not?

Seagal, Steven; Morrissey, Tom. The Way Of The Shadow Wolves (p. 28). 5th Palace Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.

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