Thottery Is Your Fault

Thottery is your fault. Yes, YOU.

The psychosexual state of America hasn’t improved much since my hiatus ended. Arguably, it’s gotten worse (if some of what I’ve heard about young high school and college girls all having OnlyFans accounts is true). There’s no shortage of guys complaining about the dismal state of American womanhood—but then again, that was true a decade ago. Men in other countries also ceaselessly complain about their women, so for all of you guys looking for pussy paradise…come back to reality.

I’ve repeatedly made the point that a nation has the quality of women that it deserves to have, and that point still stands. So if you want to point a finger at someone for an increasing share of women around the world becoming glorified whores, look in the mirror and blame yourself for being a simp!

If you sign up for OnlyFans accounts, this is on you. If you thirst over some Instagram skank in yoga pants, this is on you. If you thirst over some vapid blonde pundithot, it’s on you. If you are doing anything to give dolled up 7s the ultra-addictive morphine drip of slavish attention from sexless chodes, then you have no right to act surprised and upset when they write articles glorifying the practice and inspire Jane Doe down the street to do the same thing.

Look at this.

This woman claims to have been able to buy a house with the money she made from OnlyFans. In no just world would any woman be able to buy a house with tip money from lonely frotteurs! And the fact that she *is* capable of doing so is the fault of her paypiggies. I suppose I can’t blame a scammer for taking advantage of the easily scammed, but the fact this is even possible gives me a gut sense of revulsion, as it should any sensible person (man or woman).

The fact that said woman is apparently married is just another example of simping.

But stupid men giving crappy women unwarranted self importance goes far beyond the digital realm—and this is going to be the hardest one for me to say, because even I’ve been guilty of it a couple of times—but every time a guy sleeps with a woman below his standards, he’s arguably doing more to boost the self-esteem of undeserving women than any of those digital dorks.

I know the reasons; again, I’ve been guilty of it myself in the past. Maybe you just haven’t gotten any in a while, maybe you’re coming off a bad breakup and you want to “clear your system”. Or maybe you’re just curious. But whatever the case is, there are *far* too many unattractive women that have had sex with decent looking men.

And yeah, I know the whole “alpha widow” concept, most of those were just short-term flings, but still.

Women will hardly ever decide to “slum it” with a schlubby guy, and I think men ought to start waiting a little longer for some quality trim. I know it’s hard, as men we are biologically inclined to have sex rampantly, but consider it, gentlemen. Consider not simping for digital whores, and consider not sleeping with uggos just for the hell of it. Consider a little bit of self discipline to wait for a quality woman—after my most recent breakup, that’s what I’ve been doing—as I’ve mentioned, I’ve put women on hold for a while as I try to get a better job…which, if things go well, will likely be by the end of this month (credentialing and vocational exams are fun, kids)—and I don’t feel any worse for the wear being an ascetic, rather than “clearing my head” by banging whatever skank comes my way (which is what I would have done in my younger days).

And who knows? If the men of the world refuse to give undeserving women quality man meat, maybe the women of the world would step up their game as well.