Sex, Murder, Jiu-Jitsu: Rafiel Torre

We’re all familiar with the Rafiel Torre story: The ethnic confusion, the sex parties and ultimately, the murder. But here are the details:

Ralph Bartle, not to be confused with the CEO of Travelzoo, was a man from Torrance, California born around 1970 or so, who dreamed of great things, a man who wanted to be somebody and live the good life.

Of course, he didn’t want to actually, y’know, work hard and earn those great things the honest way. No, he ascribed to that quintessential American aphorism, that of faking it until you make it. Preferably in a “new frontier” of a field that nobody knew much about and even less people were willing to do background checks on.

A field like MMA, or scratch that, NHB Fighting, this was before the phrase “mixed martial arts” even existed. No holds barred, a field that was newly emergent in the early 90s, a field with few rules and even less safety equipment, a field that was, to be quite honest, absolutely full of paunchy, bug-eyed lunatics , steroided up brutes, and brutal bug-eyed steroided up jesus freaks that all had that same dream of faking it until you make it and becoming the ULTIMATE FIGHTER.

Torre…was not a fighter. No, he wasn’t satisfied with merely faking his martial arts pedigree or out and out making up his own martial art. He made up his own fights and tournaments. To quote Joe Rogan, Torre once told him that he had been invited to a secret kumite out in the woods, and he would have to leave him for a few days. He embarked into the woods with a suspicious amount of camping equipment and a duffel bag. 2 days later he came out of the woods with an empty duffel bag and a suspicious duffel bag sized trophy that he won for the kumite. Draw your own conclusions.

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