Black Women: Nobody Cares About Your Hair

Seeing that black women are constantly writing articles about their hair, I wanted to address this apparently pressing issue and say: it’s not that important, ladies.

What I mean by this title is, having naturally kinky hair does not preclude you from being beautiful. It’s not the be all and end all of pulchritude. With men, it’s like #10 on the list of things that we find attractive in women—it’s nice, but as long as it’s not covered in lice and filth, we can accept a lot of different types, it doesn’t have to be soft and straight. You can be attractive with any kind of hair, or dare I say even none at all.

Now admittedly, I am a man who has, *cough, sputter* taken his coffee dark a few times in his life, bear in mind that while I did that video on sexual imperialism, I never said it was inherently something BAD, and I had to heed the call to colonize on occasion—moving on!

The reason I bring this up, LADIES, is that the more, eh, reactionary members of my audience may likely say that I am not an impartial judge in this matter, being that my paramours run the color spectrum from white to black and all shades in between, I’m tainted with the jungle fever don’t you see.

To that I say no! Even if you are the most mono-racially dating, I-only-date-women-with-straight-smooth-hair CHUD in the world, I can prove to you that some women with nappy hair can be more attractive than some women with straight hair.

To that I say no! Even if you are the most mono-racially dating, I-only-date-women-with-straight-smooth-hair CHUD in the world, I can prove to you that some women with nappy hair can be more attractive than some women with straight hair.

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