Way Of The Shadow Wolves Chapters 4-7

The continuing adventures of John Gode’s Way of the Shadow Wolves continue to, er, “thrill” us. Also, Steve tries to inject some pathos into his ethnically confused pulp fiction and fails miserably.

“We are going to jam five hundred jihadists up America’s ass in one night. The hard part is going to be distributing them in the few hours of darkness that we will have left. “FEMA, this is where your private train comes in. I want to load all five hundred on your train, which will be announced as rapid deployment test and evaluation, and then have you distribute twenty-five at a time from here to Ithica, New York. You will have one boxcar isolated from the larger group, and that will be how we transport the radioactive material and explosives that will be dropped in Phoenix, with 36th a part of the special team...

“…There is also a US marshal in Phoenix who has been asking too many questions and, of course, the goddamned tribal police taking down some of our people in the desert. I’ve assigned our Whitewater Enterprises contractor the mission of terminating these annoying assholes.  “Those of you in a position to do so, when they end up dead, make sure the investigation is slow-rolled the way we have slow-rolled all of our executions of high-profile people.”

“What’s he got for ink?” John had all three figured for prison gang members, which made them more likely to have nothing to lose. “Let’s go see what’s up with Noche.” John nodded his head toward door number three. He knocked, and Deanne opened the door. Noche was sitting with his head close to Outlaw Number Three’s, smoking a cigarette with him, one of Noche’s assets when trying to gain another’s confidence. “Yeah, man.” The bearded man, handcuffed in front, was having a good conversation with Noche. He exhaled a big cloud of smoke. “These dudes ain’t Chicano or anything like that. They look like us, but they don’t act like us.”

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