Nathan Larson Goes to Prison (Failsons)

Whenever one of the esteemed subjects of my videos does something notable, I of course have to do an update. And I think that the news that the Libertarian Party’s greatest embarassment (and that’s saying A LOT), Nathan Larson, attempted to kidnap a 12 year old girl, was caught, and is facing a long prison sentence, is a major update. If you’ll allow me to do so, I’ll laugh now.

Basically, whenever there’s an update on one of these wonderful people, or anyone that I’ve done a video on, I’ll do a video on it. What constitutes a “major update” is a bit discretionary, it has to be a bit bigger than something like “Charlie Zelenoff bought a sandwich”. And most importantly I have to be able to get some humor out of it.

The news that Nathan Larson, everybody’s favorite failson loser House of Burgesses candidate and gibbering lunatic white supremacist pedophile, is going to prison, IS a major update!

But we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren’t we? What has Nate the Great been up to since we last spoke of him?

There seems to be a debate about whether “Jewish Therapists” cause people to hate pedophiles…this is kind of weird because, if you go on a neo-Nazi website, they all unanimously say that Jews PROMOTE pedophilia. But now they’re against pedophilia? What kind of sense does that make?

I would also like to point out that Nathan espouses his “politics” under his actual name, in interviews whenever given half the chance.

All this, and nudes of Nathan’s doughy physique, in today’s video!

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