The Atlanta Shooting and Asian Sex BS

Oh boy here we go with the Atlanta Shooting. A tragic murder once again gets used in a political agenda—except this time it’s one that I’m intimately familiar with.

To put it very succinctly, and by that I mean “literally say everything that needs to be said” *quick inhale* both Asian men and women have negative stereotypes surrounding them sexually, Asian men are stereotyped as pathetic dorky effeminate faggots who have no sexuality at all, and Asian women in contrast are stereotyped as overtly sexualized exotic submissive trophies for white men to conquer.

There you go, that’s about 90% of what Asian-Americans talk about, I saved you 50k if you were interested in an Asian studies program.

But I want to make things very clear here—while I mock the simplicity of this complaint, and the fact that nobody can just come out and call a spade a spade and SAY “this is what they’re angry about”, I am NOT saying this issue doesn’t exist. Of course it exists, take a look at this casting call for an Asian actor, it is literally saying “We want you to be short, have no muscles, and have a tiny penis”. And let’s all take a minute to imagine a Hollywood mogul, a fat sweaty Harvey Weinstein type, running into central casting with this HYUCK HYUCK HILARIOUS CONCEPT FOR A CHARACTER-HE’S AN ASIAN DUDE WITH A FUNNY ACCENT AND A BOWL CUT WHO LOOKS LIKE SHIT AND HAS A SMALL PENIS HUR DE DURR.

I have often talked about the looks I get when I dare to have a white woman on my arm, like Bigfoot just decided to walk through the street. In my internet endeavors I’ve received a fair amount of hate mail from people who are spluttering with outrage at the very thought that an Asian man might be stronger, more sexually attractive, and more masculine than they.

But was the Atlanta shooting motivated by the dread Asian fetishism?

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