“Durr, Chinks Can’t Fight”

Hello hello, it’s been a long time. I took a bit of a hiatus and have been doing mostly livestreams, which I can’t really do articles on, so excuse the delay. You can check my Youtube channel for what I’ve been consistently doing for weeks. Anyway, in this video I addressed…well, the title says it all. “Durr, Chinks can’t Fight”. A persistent idea that one sees in public discourse, in particular the right wing twittersphere. Since China is currently our main geopolitical rival, I figured this would be relevant.

So now that we’ve established that any tendencies towards timidity and weakness are enforced by the Confucian ethos rather than something inherent to their bodies, let’s look at the…surprisingly common idea of DERP DERP THE CHINKS HAVE LITERALLY NEVER WON A WAR. Yes, please, Mr. Historian, give me a rundown about the conquest of Dayuan, or the Sino-Dutch Conflicts, or the Han-Xiongnu wars, or the Tang-Tibetan Empire wars, or any of the other myriad wars in China’s history. Oh you don’t know fuck all about them? Then kindly shut up.

You find this idea a lot in the right wing twitter sphere, I mentioned in my livestream that BAP is a major advocate of it. I’m sure he has his reasons, most gay men seem to not like Asian men and BAP is…quite clearly a deeply closeted homosexual. But I only say that because his hero, that he thinks all men should aspire to be like, was a flamboyant lisping gay narcissist.

Here’s another example of “hurr the Chinks have never won a war”. Come again?

As I’ve also stated, it doesn’t help that the West’s first major exposure to the East was during China’s “century of humiliation”. In fact, I’d go on record as saying that every single negative stereotype of Asians that the west holds comes from this century of humiliation. What I mean is, if your first exposure to a culture is when they’re at their weakest point, and the entire country has been reduced to impoverished opium smokers and desperate whores…yeah, it’s going to paint a negative picture of them, and I don’t blame the West for jumping to conclusions.

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