The Chickenhawks Video

Years ago I did an article about how America is absolutely infested with chickenhawks. This is the video version of that article.

…oh boy it looks like we’re on the verge of war with Russia. Neither side is backing down, Russia is massing troops on the Ukraine border, we have ot get involved for some reason, and the talking heads in media are saying HURR LET’S INVADE RUSSIA. Yeah because that’s always worked out well for people who try it right?

What other brain blast are you gonna come up with next, invading China too? That’s also not something you can just do over the weekend.

But all this saber rattling reminds me of a very dire problem this country has:

America has a chickenhawk problem. This is plainly obvious to anybody who takes a look at American politics: the halls of power are full of chickenhawks…and I think we can all agree that somebody who screams and demands  that somebody else wage acts of aggression on their behalf is one of the lowest forms of life there is. While they don’t seem to be as common as they were during the Bush administration (when the likes of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Tom Lay, and the like were kicking around, all of whom didn’t serve in Vietnam), there are still (usually fat and red faced) chickenhawks giving orders on American foreign policy. John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, were around in the Trump years, and even now that Biden is in office there’s still many of the same old clods thumping their chests, and some new ones like Tony BLinken. And let’s not forget those old Republican standbys like Bill Kristol, boy I love bipartisan consensus! Hey, remember during the Dubya administration when the Democrats at least pretended to be anti-war? Anybody? Bueller?

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