Live Stream For 2-12

My Youtube ban is no more and here I am. We are live on February 12.

…Something that really annoys me on a personal level is when people disparage people like truck drivers, farmers, etc. Like HUH HUH HUH WHAT A LOSER WORKING ON YOUR FARMS AND PLOWING FIELDS AND DRIVING TRUCKS YOU SUCK HAHAHAHA. Like, where do you think your food comes from, you idiot? And yes, in case you’re wondering, this is a sideways allusion to Cinema Robert himself. I hate to break it to moviebob, but those “average sized mcdonalds portions” he likes to eat so much? Those horrible degraded meat slabs ultimately do start on farms. And since we don’t have the rotating building farms and lunar wheat fields that he fantasizes so much about…yeah turns out you’re still beholden to the middle America mayonnaise goblin troglodytes you hate so much, Bob.

By the way if you don’t know what I’m referring to vis a vis McDonalds, uh, there was a twitter thing going around a couple of years ago showing a massive tray of Mcdonalds, and it was the mcdonalds challenge, it asked if you could eat this whole thing in 90 minutes for 5000 dollars or whatever. It had four mcdoubles, 4 sodas, two large fries, and two large chicken nuggets. And Moviebob’s response was that it is “a small amount of Mcdonalds for the average sized person.”

I’m not gonna lie, I feel like I could do that challenge, but I’d hate myself in the morning for it. Both in the moral sense and the excretory sense.

I don’t intend to keep riffing on Moviebob, but like…he really is just the epitome of modern liberal politics. He embodies everything about the New Left, and he is its logical conclusion. So whenever I talk about some liberal inanity going on, I can inevitably find some idiotic tweet or video or whatever Moviebob said that is an example of that.

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