Livestream 2-19

My livestream for the 19th. I may have been more than slightly inebriated and thus I was on the verge of passing out near the end, but I pulled through. And here is the livestream:

The Columbia law review informs us that sexual dimorphism has really only existed as a CONCEPT since the 1800s. Hey, uh, Siri, what’s “yin and yang”? But you know, nobody conceived of women and men being different before the 19th century.

Yes, some like Aristotle viewed women as being “lesser men”, but I think there are plenty of other examples of ancient cultures clearly viewing a binary of behavior and traits.

And by that, I mean sexual dimorphism is evident even in our hominid forebears.

Maybe amongst college people the sexes are basically the same, all narrow shoulders and horn-rimmed glasses, but anybody who’s touched grass in the last 24 hours knows that men and women are biologically different. Both sexes are equal and should be treated equally under the law, but they’re clearly different and two halves of the same whole of humanity. Like, do these people not know how babies are made?

And in a way, isn’t this all kind of bigoted towards women? It’s literally saying “well, there really aren’t differences, women really ARE just lesser men, derp Aristotle was right!” If the theory is right, what different does it make when it was first verbalized? Seems to me that this would so plainly evident nobody thought to even write it down until then.

This is literally like saying “Well, Germ Theory only AROSE AS A CONCEPT with Pasteur in the 1800s, so we can just disregard that”.

Now of course none of this changes the fact that transpersons have every right to do what they do and voice their opinions, and that they are by nature stunning and brave. I just find Columbia Law’s historical research somewhat lacking is all.

And speaking of, Viking hordes were trans according to some genius with a gender studies degree. This person isn’t even an archaeologist or anything like that, they’re a gender studies professor.

 SOMETIMES WOMEN WERE BURIED WITH WEAPONS SO THAT MEANS VIKINGS WERE TOTALLY TRANSGENDERS. Uh. First of all, let’s just make it very clear that transgender people are stunning and brave and magnificent and I have no problem with them.

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