Livestream 2-26: Russia, China, and More!

My livestream for February the 26th, 2022. The Russia situation and other international politics were discussed, as well as inspiration for a future video to settle the other half of the one issue facing Asian people.

And we are live, Larsen Halleck here, stone cold sober I won’t struggle to not pass out like last week. I am proud of myself for making it through to be honest.

The opening song was Primus’ Winona’s Big Brown Beaver. Who says bass can’t be a leading instrument? Uh, besides every funk band ever. Primus is best known for the South Park theme song, but they do really great original music too, if you weren’t aware.

Anyway, what’s in the news:

LCF designer Dirk Vaessen is designing some new haute couture and it’s literally like burlap sacks with wooden planks for shoes. Guys, Zoolander was supposed to a parody. Like, why would anybody design these weird burlap aprons and say “YES I DID A FASHION”...

But seriously, I’m well aware that the super haute couture fashion designers aren’t supposed to be actual clothes so much as like wearable art installations, but I am slightly perturbed at how elite fashion designers want to put people in glorified rags with wood shoes. It’s all very, uh, serf like. Boy I use the term “Serf” a lot when doing this livestream don’t I?

What’s going on in the Russia situation? Putin recognizes the independence of pro-Russian separatist territories in Ukraine. The Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics. The US and UK governments announce sanctions on Russia, and the western propaganda is showing a lot stronnk wahmen girlbosses with rifles.

And the US is sending troops to saber rattle with Russia. Oh boy here we go, world war 3 is happening right now and I’m still young enough to be drafted. Russia and Ukraine are officially at war.

Dubya condemns Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine, and I roll my eyes at the thought of Dubya condemning anybody’s invasion.

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