Livestream 3-5: Russia, Thirst, General Idiocy

My Livestream for March 3rd, in which I discuss Russia and other bits of buffoonery.

Disney has opened up the star wars hotel, 5000 for 2 nights and it looks like absolute garbage. “A windowless bunker” is what the reviews say, although the reviews are apparently leaning towards the positive. GETTING READY FOR THAT CAPSULE APARTMENT LIFE.

Star Wars is a 70s franchise, and for 5000 bucks I want the full 70s experience, for 5000 I want lines of cocaine and a nude Raquel Welch waiting for me in the penthouse suite, dammit. Because otherwise you’d just be paying for a vastly overpriced hotel room with no windows that looks like a shipping container.

 Once again people, stop defining your life based on corporate products. That is a stupid thing to do and you should feel bad for doing so. You could drive across the country and see all the sights for 5000 dollars, probably less. And that would be a much more memorable thing than staying in a hotel.

The Russia/Ukraine crisis is still going on, despite a disturbing number of people being under the impression that it would be over by now. War isn’t over in 90 minutes you TV addled clods. Franz Ferdinand is rescinding its Russia tour, and I suddenly realize we’ve time traveled back to 1914. Haha I kid of course ,that’s Franz Ferdinand the band, not the Austro-Hungarian arch-duke.

Also, it’s interesting to me how the Wall Street Journal wrote an article a couple years back about Putin’s imperial ambitions, RUSSIA RETURNS TO ITS ASIAN PAST, and it depicts Putin in like Mongolian armor. I never thought I’d see blatant Yellow Peril fearmongering used to depict RUSSIA of all countries, but, uh, here we are.

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