Livestream 3-12: It’s Defcon One!

Some idiot decided to proclaim that it’s DEFCON 1, but not for the reasons you’d expect.

On Twitter, DEFCON 1 trended. Why? It’s not nuclear war, it’s the fact that a Spanish language RADIO network geared towards right-wingers is launching. Yes, Americano Satellite Radio is apparently so distressing to the liberals, the idea that some minorities might shift to the right politically, that they need to headline this with DEFCON 1.

NOOOO YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN LOCKSTEP WITH US THEY’RE WHITE SUPREMACISTS REEEEEEEEEEE. Once again, liberals can’t perceive of POC having any sort of agency or intelligence. They couldn’t possibly find you distasteful due to your policies or your pandering bullcrap or the fact that you keep referring to them as LATINX, no, they must be being lied to, the poor noble savages are being lied to, it’s that right wing disinformation.

And seriously, who’s the genius who gets DEFCON 1 trending when we’re on the verge of war with a nuclear power?! You realize defcon 1 is the most severe, it means “we are at nuclear war”, right?

Enough nuclear war let’s talk about the covid. Canadian Health Minister Teresa Tam, who looks like the Cryptkeeper, tells us that lockdown measures are not off the table for the fall and winter. Wow you know it’s really amazing how all public health officials are all disheveled and don’t look healthy at all. I kid of course, physical appearance has nothing to do with health Susan.

 You got the cryptkeeper in Canada, you have Big Chungus who was the Belgian health minister. You got Levine the Machine here in the US…then again Rachel Levine was a successful offensive lineman on the high school football team back when she was Richard, so there’s a chance she could still whoop me in the weight room. Not that there’s anything wrong with GRS, it’s a beautiful thing Susan.

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