Larsen Live: American Educational System, Etc

In which I discuss the dismal state of the American educational system and proffer a few suggestions for how it could be less shitty.

As we all know, the American educational industry literally revolved around finding increasingly more convoluted schemes to close the racial achievement gap. Looking at PISA scores, we see that all the racial groups in America do tend to score more or less on par with their respective peers. IE: Asian Americans do about as good as Asian countries, white Americans do about as good as European countries, and so on and so forth. But these gaps must be closed so that everybody is equal, and the educational industrial complex won’t stop until it does. The irreversible decline of American educational standards on the other hand won’t stop period. Because let’s be honest with ourselves, ferocious national drives to make equity never succeed in bringing everybody up but they do sometimes succeed at tearing everybody down to the lowest common denominator.

“Larsen you’re a teacher”, you might be saying. Yes, and a good one, if my 65 and counting 5 star reviews in music teaching mean anything. “What suggestions do you have to fix the dismal state of American education?”

Jesus, why don’t you just have me clean out the Augean stables while you’re at it? Well I suppose the American educational system and that particular Labor of Hercules are pretty similar in that they both involve a seemingly unstoppable deluge of horseshit.

But seriously folks? What would I do? Well first of all let’s acknowledge that IQ is real and that some people are less intelligent than others. And No I’m not speaking racially, I’m speaking individually. Individuals vary greatly in individual capacity, and few things annoy me more than that stupid liberal EVERYBODY CAN LEAAAAAARN crap. Anybody who has touched grass in the last week will point out the very obvious, that some people really aren’t capable of learning academically beyond the 8th grade or so.

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