Larsen Live: It’s an Election Year

It’s an election year so obviously more mass shootings are happening!

Anyway, my opinions on the matter have not changed—an arms bearing society has to take responsibility in both reactive and proactive prevention (mental health services must be on point, and threats must be taken extremely seriously by law enforcement). And if you can’t do those things then, yeah, maybe we shouldn’t have guns, because liberty can only be born by a virtuous society, and let’s face facts: spree shootings like this were practically non-existent up until the 70s, and only really took off in the 80s, and really REALLY went off in the 21st century going into the present day. And coincidentally that’s also when the mental health apparatus in this country was dismantled utterly, all that community care bullshit Reagan set up, the destruction of unions and any semblance of workplace culture, the increasing hours and decreasing benefits for the jobbie, and, oh yeah, the complete destruction of any actual sense of community and culture.

But personally I’d never own an ASSAULT WEAPON, which is a bullshit term FYI, because I refuse to own any gun that doesn’t have wood furniture. It’s the wood that makes it good!

Regardless of your opinion on the 2nd amendment, or the fact that it’s an election year…can we all agree that he actions of the police in this case, who literally said WE WERE AFRAID TO ENGAGE BECAUSE WE DIDN’T WANT TO GET SHOT were absolutely repugnant? “Nyeeeeh, I don’t want to get hurt”, fucking Joe Besser here. You’re a POLICE OFFICER, why are you not doing your job? Let’s stop calling cops heroes blanketly. Some are heroes, and some are sniveling cowards.

I reiterate, a lot of this mass shooting problem could be solved if we had a functioning mental health system, had some basic licensure and background checks on all gun purchases (Which I do approve of), and, oh yeah, had police that didn’t wait an hour to engage a spree shooter! But it’s an election year.

Oh and guess what, it turns out that the Buffalo shooter? He had spoken to an undercover FBI agent at least 6 times, including the day of his shooting. Again, what do these people DO exactly?

Speaking of the old gray Isle, English man brings 22 year old Ukrainian refugee into his home, refugee proceeds to destroy his marriage and run off with the man. The man had a wife and two kids.

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