Larsen Live 6-11-22

It’s Larsen Live 6-11-22, there’s a lot of news in the…news and most of it sucks. So let’s get right to it then.

Howdy doo, Larsen Live, it is June 11, we are still in the midst of gay pride month, and as such I thought it would be appropriate to play music by the greatest gay rocker of all time, the one and only Farrokh Bulsara, from the Flash Gordon soundtrack, The Hero. Hey remember when the SYFY channel tried to do a HARD GRITTY REBOOT of flash Gordon and it absolutely sucked shit? Woof, those were dark times. But speaking of dark times

Twitter debate: Hooters vs Drag shows for the kids, since it is THE MONTH OF GAY. Apparently some people were upset at the idea of children being taken to drag shows, and the alphabet people responded by criticizing people bringing young boys to Hooters. Spoilers: You shouldn’t bring your kids to either. Pre-Pubescent children should not be sexualized, whether it be hetero or homo. Hooters sucks anyway, it’s mediocre chain restaurant food, just because its served to you by women in hot pants doesn’t make the food better. And from what #Hooters showed me, you don’t even need to be an attractive woman in hot pants anymore, let’s just say I saw some staff rollout pictures from some branches of Hooters that they ought to change the name to Heifers if you know what I mean.

 And yes, Twitter, drag IS explicitly sexual. I’m sorry, I really get annoyed by this talking point, they’re like BLUH HOOTERS IS MORE SEXUALLY EXPLICIT THAN DRAG YOU DAMN BREEDERS REEEEEEE. I’m sorry, when has there ever been a drag show that wasn’t overtly sexual in nature? 3 girlfriends ago was a bit of a hag and she was into the tv shows and all that, and we talked about it once, and I inquired as to whether Monty Python/Benny Hill/the British panto tradition counted as drag and apparently that isn’t drag, that’s “men dressing up like women for comedy”.

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