Bart Vale’s Kung Fail (Kung Fail)

We’ll get to Bart Vale in a bit but first off: Yes, I still live, as Mr. Rice Burroughs would put it. The site was down for a while due to technical errors I couldn’t be assed to fix due to being busy at the day job(s). It also prevented me from making much in the way of new original content. With that being said, the Livestreams have still been going consistently week after week, and you should all listen to them.

With that being said, let’s get to the Fighting Uncle Rico himself, Bart Vale

Possessing the physique, the haircut, and the mustache of your average school janitor, Bart Vale made…I don’t want to say ‘quite’ a name for himself, but *a* name for himself in the embryonic days of MMA.  How did he make this name? With blatant lying.

To be fair, Vale isn’t a total fraud. He had a background in kempo and wrestling, but he followed in the footsteps of the likes of Count Dante and Frank Dux in that he took his legit background, used it as a base, and then built a bunch of fantastical horseshit on top of it. Using this semi-legitimate background, he managed to finagle himself a position in the Japanese shoot wrestling promotion UWF-I, presumably because Japanese wrestling promotions are always on the lookout for large burly mustachio’d MURICAN men to play heel and I guess Stan Hansen, who was and is by far Japan’s favorite MUSTACHIOED MURICAN MAN, was busy faffing around with Thunderbolt Patterson in early 90s WCW. As for how Thunderbolt Patterson had a job, he repeatedly threatened to file a class action suit with the NAACP against the company!

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