Count Dante Returns (Kung Fail)

More information on Count Dante? That’s right, it’s new material on his dojo invasion, general life and times, and pathetic death, right here on The Barbaric Gentleman!

As if it wasn’t bad enough that John Keehan AKA Count Dante made up a nonsensical backstory for himself (That ripped off Alexandre Dumas), it wasn’t bad enough that he sold nonsensical “fighting secrets” out of the back of 1970s Marvel comics, and it wasn’t bad enough that the Count inspired the fighting “Excellence” of Ashida Kim, the story gets more sordid the more you look into it.

The Count was a wifebeater, he was a low level television celebrity in the Chicago area, he was an accessory to murder committed by his idiot students, he was drifting in and out of homelessness, and he was ultimately buried in an unmarked grave. And yet enough people managed to buy into his nonsense to make him successful for a time and infamous to this day. Amazing what a goatee and some parachute pants can do for one’s charisma and self-confidence.

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