Please Stop Trying To Gay Up The Legend of Zelda Franchise

Yes, I’m aware doing a 20+ minute long rant about Zelda (or any video game franchise for that matter) reeks of perma-virginity. But this is something I’ve had on my mind for a while.

If you’ll remember, back before he went insane, the Spoony One did a long multi-video retrospective on the Ultima franchise of games, and how it represented some of his earliest memories with his older brother, how it gave him a much more advanced vocabulary than the other elementary schoolers, and how enraged he was that it all ended up going to shit. Well, those are my exact feelings with regards to the Legend of Zelda.

I took a multi year hiatus from gaming in general due to adult things like “Work” and “desperate hand to mouth poverty”, with Skyward Sword being the last game in the Zelda franchise I had played. So when I finally got back into the swing of things around 2022, needless to say I was a bit perturbed at how the franchise was now associated with emasculation porn and smug queer frotteurs trying to claim it as their own.

I’m old enough to remember when the jokes people made about the Zelda franchise was that it was subliminal white supremacist propaganda about a handsome Aryan youth saving a beautiful Aryan princess by killing a swarthy beast man. Of course, I don’t think anybody actually thought that, that was just a joke. But this crap is apparently serious, article, after article, after article about it, and I think this ought to be analyzed. Let’s break this down into four sections: Why I’m making this video, the alleged evidence for Zelda being full of QUEER THEMES, the documented evidence of the franchise NOT having homosex in it, and what I mean by “porn addled gender dysphoria”.

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