Papasan Stern Steals Valor; Makes Bread (Kung Fail)

Jack “Papasan Stern” was a wizened garden gnome who made a living driving a bread truck. Somehow he deluded himself and his idiot followers into thinking he was a medal of honor winning judo master and overall superstud; he was not.

A concept I convey a lot in my kung fail videos is that of crank magnetism. Which is to say that martial arts frauds, or frauds and lunatics in general, tend to hang out with each other, feed each other’s delusions, and overall spend a lot of time giving each other metaphorical handjobs. Or perhaps literal handjobs, I don’t know.

The greatest example of this is, of course, the BDFS, started by Count Dante and soon encompassing a motley crue of losers and deluded nutcases who spend their days playing ninja in their mom’s garages. Guys like Frank Dux, Ashida Kim, and Bryce Dallas have all been associated with this dork squad, just to name a few guys that I myself have profiled. You also may recall how Steven Hatfield and Richard Hackworth overlapped, just to cite another example. But the web goes far, FAR deeper than that. Do a bit of research into any MA fraud and you’ll find connections to at least one more, if not several more. My research into Bret Gordon and Steven Hatfield led me to another martial arts hack, Jack “Papasan” Stern. Stern is also tied to other hacks besides Bret and Steve, take a look at Kenny Vasquez here, on his bombass Angelfire webpage. I’m honestly surprised the other pages on this website aren’t just gigs and gigs of DBZ fanart.

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