The Gods Of The Copybook Heading
New to the Larsensphere: poetry narration! Presented today, The Gods of the Copybook Heading by Rudyard Kipling. “Larsen, what the hell are you doing?” you might be asking. I am […]
New to the Larsensphere: poetry narration! Presented today, The Gods of the Copybook Heading by Rudyard Kipling. “Larsen, what the hell are you doing?” you might be asking. I am […]
You all know my fandom of HP Lovecraft, and how I have argued that his mythos of madness and decay represents the closest thing America has to an authentic mythological […]
Thanks to the magic of VPN’s, I have made my return to Return of Kings. And just in time to write an article about why the school system sucks. Seeing […]
Colin Flaherty’s White Girl Bleed a Lot is an underground book that has gotten its fair share of mainstream attention, mainly due to its alleged evil racist racial racism. So […]
Bruce Lee: A Life is, in addition to being the first occasion I’ve had to review two different books on the same subject, a new semi-authorized biography (which is to […]
In which I do a video version of my “What is Game” article The question remains, however: What IS the essence of game, and what is it, exactly, that is improved […]
Remember my article on this topic from last year? Since it was so much fun, my new article on Return of Kings discusses a few more examples of People of […]
Sadly, Mr. McGonagall is a better poet than most working today. Modern poetry fucking blows—take a look at the allegedly lyrical flotsam that spewed forth at Obama’s 2nd inauguration if […]
Hey, remember my Hollywood stereotypes article? It’s back—in video form! For those of you who don’t like that I occasionally make videos of old articles: Deal with it Different mediums, […]
Hey, guess what? It turns out white people did *not*, in fact, invent the concept of conquest. So in this day and age of immigration debates, a longstanding argument against […]