Genteel Skills

The Burning Fires Of Hatred

Newer readers of my website are undoubtedly familiar with me as the picture of living calm; a man who meditates, espouses the teachings of inner peace, and tells you not […]

How To Defuse An Angry Woman

“Women be crazy amirite?!” Wakka wakka! But yes, hack comedy aside, many women will naturally jump to conclusions and panic, especially if you are a man worth having. What I […]

So You Want to Learn Music

The title says it all, people, “So you want to learn music”. “But I don’t really want to learn music, Larsen!” you might be protesting, and to that I would […]

Larsen Wrote Two New Books!

It’s that time once again, for Larsen Halleck to spill forth his intellectual fruit! You have presumably all read the transcendent Oriental’s Guide to Sex, Strength, and Satisfaction-–and by that I […]

Woment Want A Little Tenderness

“Try a little tenderness? The fuck does that mean?” you might be asking incredulously. So, I don’t know if you’ve noticed…but the website you’re reading now is titled “The Barbaric […]