
Thoughts on Musical Penises

I’ll give you a second to guess what the hell “musical penises” refers to. And so… It’s a very music-centric week here on the Barbaric Gentleman! I’ve already given you […]

Larsen's 5 Hour Opus

In a further example of my nobly futile quest to prove I can do crappy pop music better than the people currently doing it, another opus I wrote in 5 […]

More Thoughts on Modern Music

In my new video, I discuss some more thoughts on the modern music industry: my reactions to the Seabrook book, tepidly defending The Archies, and most importantly…an original song by […]

Music Lesson: The Minsky Pickup

Yet another “Standard snippet”, the stock “Da-da-da-DA-DA-DUM” fanfare intro to a song that announces “wacky shit is going down!” derp The “song” consists of three of the same notes repeated, […]