Sexual Imperialism: The Best Imperialism
Excusing the slightly crappy video quality, I did a video on how sex was one of the causes of imperialism you *don’t* learn about in school. — Imperialism. We’re all […]
Excusing the slightly crappy video quality, I did a video on how sex was one of the causes of imperialism you *don’t* learn about in school. — Imperialism. We’re all […]
So the other day I was browsing Rational Wiki—yes, I know they are dyed in the wool leftists, but unlike most of their political brethren they’re fairly sensible and some […]
So nice it had to be said twice: Stop with the stupid categorizations: Some have questioned why I vehemently refuse to refer to myself as being “with” any real movement […]
A lot of new travelers into the masculine corners of the internet struggle with the whole “alpha male, beta male, etc.” concept and all those other Greek letters people throw […]
So, I think everybody is in agreement that masculinity is in a state of crisis nowadays. And while the people who run society will tell us that the problem is […]
Some have questioned why I vehemently refuse to refer to myself as being “with” any real movement or subculture. There are actually quite a few reasons I don’t consider myself […]
This video (and corresponding blog post) are introducing my new show: Failsons! In which we will discuss men who have utterly failed in being masculine in their lives, and how […]
Have you ever heard this term before, “testosterone poisoning”? The term originates in the anti-nuclear weapons book Missile Envy, which posits the not-terribly-original-but-fairly-truthful idea that militarism, to some extent,is based […]
As most of my readers are probably aware, the venerable Return of Kings has gone on hiatus. And as somebody who spent three years as an on-staff writer, all of […]
The hour long Moviebob video, my two articles this week. Yeah, I was not in the best of moods… It’s time for another edition of “Larsen’s Manosphere Beefs”. Somewhat surprisingly, […]