The Last Asian Sex Bullshit

Well it happened again—another semi-famous Asian American vents their sex anger, their Asian Sex Bullshit. I’m getting really tired of rehashing this over and over, so here’s a video that […]

The Beta Uprising Has Begun!

Or: “Der Beta Aufstand Hat Begonnen!”, a German translation of “The Beta Uprising Has Begun”, paraphrased from a neo-Nazi slogan about Das Varte Reich. The concept that the incels have […]

Thottery Is Your Fault

Thottery is your fault. Yes, YOU. The psychosexual state of America hasn’t improved much since my hiatus ended. Arguably, it’s gotten worse (if some of what I’ve heard about young […]

Thoughts on Musical Penises

I’ll give you a second to guess what the hell “musical penises” refers to. And so… It’s a very music-centric week here on the Barbaric Gentleman! I’ve already given you […]