A Few Edible Plants

Edible plants?! Yes! So much talk about violence and sex on this website (which might explain why a fair amount of my fans are from  Brazil…) Kidding, kidding! But in […]

Richard La Ruina (PUAHoles)

Hey look its another mediocrity with an English accent: The not-quite-6-feet-tall Richard La Ruina! Today is the stereotypically grody looking Richard La Ruina, aka Gambler. He’s pretty successful as far […]

Cutting The Fat For Summer

Summer is coming, and you know what that means! (Besides “Larsen has to take shirtless selfies for the sake of you people”) Building strength, raw functional power, is certainly an […]

Music Lesson: The Minsky Pickup

Yet another “Standard snippet”, the stock “Da-da-da-DA-DA-DUM” fanfare intro to a song that announces “wacky shit is going down!” derp The “song” consists of three of the same notes repeated, […]

Richard Spencer: Failson

Being the most traditional form of failson I’ve profiled seems to be an implicit last stand of white identity, eh, Spencer? But in all seriousness… Now, I want to make […]