martial arts

Count Dante Returns (Kung Fail)

More information on Count Dante? That’s right, it’s new material on his dojo invasion, general life and times, and pathetic death, right here on The Barbaric Gentleman! As if it […]

Drop Panties with Martial Arts!

The featured image: Revenge of the Ninja—a film from 1983, for anyone who wants to whine about “muh desexualization”. Anyway, this is yet another one of my titles that I’m […]

How To Do Stepping Punches

“What the shit is a stepping punch?” you might ask yourself. You’ve seen it, even if you don’t recognize it’s name, and today we’re gonna learn it. Simply put, it’s […]

Count Dante (Kung Fail)

Yeah, you’re reading the title of the video correctly: Count Dante—Deadliest Man in the World/Arsonist Karate Hairdresser. For this video, let us go back to the late 60s and early […]