
Count Dante Returns (Kung Fail)

More information on Count Dante? That’s right, it’s new material on his dojo invasion, general life and times, and pathetic death, right here on The Barbaric Gentleman! As if it […]

How To Kip-Up: The Video

An instructional video on the kip-up. And thank god for short videos. If you’ve ever watched a kung-fu movie in your life, and I wager you have, then you likely […]

Nathan Larson: Pedo For Congress!

It’s time once again for a riveting edition of Failsons. And we’re looking at Nathan Larson, from the evidently insane burb of Charlottesville, Virginia. And you did read that title […]

Charles Manson: The Video

With the release of Quentin Tarantino’s new film Once Upon A Time In Hollywood…it’s time for some shameless clickbait: and so, presenting to all of you, my loving audience…a video […]

Choson Ninja (Kung Fail)

An oldy but a goodie, and an example of how all these clods intersect with each other at some point or another: Greg Park, aka Choson Ninja, is a heretical […]

The Flogging Video

Excuse the delays, I had computer problems. As I ease back into the groove, I made a video version of my old flogging article, for the benefit of the less […]

Cultivation: The Video

I have a new video of one of my older poems: As a side note, I’m going to be expanding my repertoire a bit in the future—still doing two videos […]