Videos and Podcasts

This category page contains all of the videos and podcasts I have made and published on this site (namely my martial arts and fitness tutorials, and a few of my video review side projects), as well as any appearances that I have made on podcasts, video casts, and other media made by other websites and Youtube channels.

I utilize Youtube and Dailymotion to host my media, as do most of the people I collaborate with. The collaborators I have worked with include New Media Central (linked here) and Minority Right (linked here). As to be expected, any future appearances I make on other videos and podcast will be listed in this category page.

Since you are at this category page viewing my videos, please subscribe to my Youtube channel, Dailymotion channel, and also subscribe to the people who have so graciously allowed me to appear on their shows as well.

Count Dante Returns (Kung Fail)

More information on Count Dante? That’s right, it’s new material on his dojo invasion, general life and times, and pathetic death, right here on The Barbaric Gentleman! As if it […]

Larsen Live 6-11-22

It’s Larsen Live 6-11-22, there’s a lot of news in the…news and most of it sucks. So let’s get right to it then. Howdy doo, Larsen Live, it is June […]