November 2017

Toxic Femininity and MakeApp

So I have a new video about the recent brouhaha over the MakeApp. If you follow the memeosphere, the hot trending topics, you’ve probably heard about a little app called, […]

New on ROK: Tabata Intervals

I have a new Return of Kings article on tabata interval training: a highly intense cardiovascular workout that you can do in just 20 minutes. Perfect for people that hate […]

New on Return of Kings: Squats!

After being given the greenlight to do non-fitness related articles by Roosh, I’ve nonetheless decided to return to the old wheelhouse and do an article on the basic barbell squat. […]

Male Feminism: The Video

My new video is, essentially, an audio/visual version of last week’s popular Return of Kings article asking why men who subscribe to feminism are always complete pieces of shit. I […]

What Is Game?

So in last week’s article, I asked the question “Does Game Work?“, and despite the fact that I don’t really care for the concept to be rigidly defined as some […]