Annoying Gym People (ROK)
This week on Return of Kings, I do a lighter and more comedic piece, talking about those people at the gym who annoy us all. Thus I implore my readers […]
This week on Return of Kings, I do a lighter and more comedic piece, talking about those people at the gym who annoy us all. Thus I implore my readers […]
One of the main tenets of “good think” that is propagated nowadays is the idea that organized religion is something to be mocked and disparaged as a troglodytic throwback to […]
In today’s installment of Kung Fail, I discuss infamous psychic karate fraud (and short, pudgy, Muhammad Ali hanger-on) George Dillman. From Wikipedia: George DillmanĀ is a martial arts instructor and […]
Wine. The nectar of the gods, the preferred drink of the aristocrat and the pseudo-aristocrat alike. And then there’s you, Mr. Peon, who desperately wants to climb into this world […]
In honor of black history month, I stick a thumb into the eye of a beloved modern mythos: the idea of Ancient Egypt being a nation populated by black people. […]
Yes, it appears that CNN wrote an article recently extolling the glories of cuckoldry. And I’m reporting on it on Return of Kings! “In our current political climate, the term […]
Communism. The bete noire of all the various parts of the “Reactosphere”. And with good reason—regardless of its past crimes (which are well documented by many sources, suffice to say […]
My new video (And corresponding text) is on the spinning hook kick, a martial arts move that many have tried and most have faceplanted doing. The spinning hook kick, also […]
“What? An article on Thursday?” you ask? Indeed, this is slightly unusual, and despite what happened last week I don’t plan on this being a regular thing. The reason I […]
Before we can answer this question, we have to discuss new year’s resolutions (it’ll make sense in a bit): As we are well into the New Year, I decided to […]