Manosphere People are White Hapas

The hour long Moviebob video, my two articles this week. Yeah, I was not in the best of moods…

It’s time for another edition of “Larsen’s Manosphere Beefs”. Somewhat surprisingly, this was not prompted by angry commenters on one of my own articles, but the comments written on another guy’s recent article—a Return of Kings article titled “3 Reasons Why You Should Join a Dancing Society”.

As you can imagine, I was very supportive of the article—having written a very similar article in the past. And naturally, since many warrior elites in the past have required their men to dance or do some other not-quite-masculine activity, I was under the impression that the good people at Return of Kings, the modern day warrior elite, would have been amenable to the thought.

And naturally, I was completely mistaken.

I noticed that the majority of the comments were a bunch of whiny keyboard alphas bitching and moaning about the very thought of dancing. I expected a fair amount of “herp derp dancing is for faggots!” nonsense, but was pleasantly surprised by pouty assholes whining about how “…if you do anything for a woman, you’re changing your manly essence and therefore you’re a beta male no matter how many women you get!”, “…dance classes have lots of old ladies in them therefore they suck!”, and various comments along the line of “YOUR PICTURES ARE FULL OF GREASY SPICS I’M NOT GONNA LIVE MY LIFE LIKE THAT”.

What a proactive, positive minded community!

One commenter said it best, which you can see below:

It doesn’t really get much more clean cut than this: a guy gives the readers a suggestion to meet girls, or at the very least gives them a suggestion to learn a new skill that will up their sex appeal tremendously, and the neckbeards cross their arms and pout, refusing to do anything to improve themselves.

(And apparently according to one commenter in the dance article—which again wasn’t written by me at all— I’m a closeted homosexual, because I took a shirtless selfie of myself purely to prove that I ‘walk the walk’. But I’m sure that commenter is a knotted, muscular powerlifter…)

A few years ago, it was a common talking point that the manosphere/neo-masculinity/whatever you want to call it has two broad camps:

One side is the side that is positive and focused on self-improvement and their own edification, both for the desire to get women and for the sheer joy of learning skills to hone and sharpen themselves as men—indeed, my own informal journey through the ‘sphere was almost exactly like that: first wanting nothing more than to be able to beat people up and get women, and later becoming a well rounded *ahem* barbaric gentleman because I genuinely enjoyed doing so for its own sake.

The other side is the negative side that, naturally, the media focuses on whenever it does its occasional puff pieces on us—the “incel menace“. And while the overwhelming majority of incels are going to spend the rest of their lives being pathetic losers who never accomplish anything (for good or bad), their sheer presence is still a blight on the sphere. Alleged “men” who would rather bitch and moan on the internet, writing their stupid Chad Thundercock jerk-off fanfictions rather than make anything of themselves.

This divide was why the “original” manosphere collapsed, and why the “MGTOWs” have become a complete joke on the masculine corners of the internet. This is why writers like Roosh and Matt Forney wrote posts explicitly saying they were abandoning the manosphere years ago—because of so many weak people wanting to wallow in a pit of self-loathing rather than try to climb out of it.

I can’t help but feel that any subculture consists of a core of people that actually practice it and a large coterie of hangers-on who get vicarious thrills from reading about better men. But it just feels more distasteful when you read it in this subculture, a subculture that is by definition about helping “incels” become something resembling “Chad”, and many of whose writers and creators were themselves nerds that managed to make something of themselves—myself included.

Long-time readers of my site know that I have a long standing “rivalry” with the /r/hapas people—and I put “rivalry” in scare-quotes because this rivalry largely consists of them nipping at my ankles, writing long Reddit diatribes and making hour long videos about me while I largely ignore them and occasionally write a short article pointing out their love-hate hero worship of me. The reason I mention this is, when I see that I have manosphere haters who get enraged when I point out that a good amount of what they complain about is their own fault (yes, I still get occasional hate mail about the American women article), I can’t help but notice a similarity between these two groups.

In fact, I’ll make it explicit:

NEGATIVE MANOSPHERE PEOPLE ARE NO BETTER THAN THE STEREOTYPICAL SNIVELING FAGGOT HAPA. I know that’s going to enrage a lot of paper alpha males, since a lot of them are quite racist and love to make HAW HAW ELLIOT RODGER JOKES, but the more I think of it the more it makes sense—both groups dedicate their whole lives to complaining about the nefarious forces that make it so they’re not winners. Both groups adamantly refuse to better themselves in any way, and both groups have obtuse vocabulary that separates them from outsiders.

I’ve often said that there’s a very good reason why I don’t use the term “hapa” to describe myself—because while the word itself is entirely innocuous, one can’t help but notice that those who use the term are often, to put it politely, hysterical shrieking pussies I don’t want to associate with. And now that I think of it, that’s probably why I don’t use the term “red-pill” to describe myself, because that term has been appropriated by another batch of hysterical beta males—to say nothing of the neo-Nazis and other clowns that have taken to using the term as well.

While I don’t think I’ve ever made it explicit, I’ve implied it a lot, so now I’ll make it explicit: if I achieve nothing else in life, I’ll be satisfied with my life’s work if I can utterly destroy the stereotype of the sad, pathetic, worthless,  Oedipus-complex-having hapa, by being an example of a confident, masculine, well-adjusted, sexually skilled and dynamic Eurasian man—what better way to lead than by example?

I suppose that, subconsciously, that desire to lead by example and be a better example for men has also, in some way, led me to writing for the manosphere. If I can achieve what I stated in the above paragraph for men of all races, I’ll be even happier.

Quite obviously it’s going to be a tremendous uphill battle, but I’m going to be here a while so I’ll wait it out. So no matter what race or ethnicity you are, if you’re a whiny little bitch, cut it out. Hit the gym, learn to talk to people, clean up your acne, or, yes, learn how to dance. Just do something other than spinning your wheels and complaining.

Or, to reference a quote that me and Davis Aurini both like: If you’re on “the spectrum”, then get off it.