New ROK Article on Function Over Form
Or, for a more blunt title than “Function Over Form”: “When is it okay to listen to fat people for fitness advice?” The short answer is: Not very often. But […]
Or, for a more blunt title than “Function Over Form”: “When is it okay to listen to fat people for fitness advice?” The short answer is: Not very often. But […]
The arbiters of our culture at Old Media outlets such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, and the “young and hip” people who write exactly like the […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings about shaving with a brush and single blade-because hygiene is just as much a part of fitness as the sweaty stuff, in […]
You, the humble reader, might have noticed that race relations in the United States (particularly between blacks and whites) are at something of a nadir-not THE nadir of race relations, […]
The humble bench press is an exercise that is perhaps over-used by the bros and idiots of the world, but is still one you ought to have in your repertoire. […]
The Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana is one of those books that greatly fits Mark Twain’s definition of a literary classic: A book that everybody wants to have read, but nobody […]
You might have noticed that the political situation at the moment…could be better. In response to the “Battle of Sacramento” that occured a couple of weeks ago (not to be […]
This video and corresponding article will teach you how to do the crescent kick. More specifically, both the outside and inside crescent kick. https://youtu.be/OyUYDJVgaQs The Inside Crescent Kick Or as […]
Most people recognize that “weak hands make a weak man”, but unfortunately, most people use methods of training the hands and forearms that are either ineffectual (ie: wrist curls) or […]
Upon reading the title of this article, you probably asked yourself one of two questions: “Who’s ‘Moviebob’” or “Why would you bother reviewing a 3 year old book that has been […]